Deep within the SCP Foundation during a containment breach, many of the anomalies have bypassed security and escaped from their chambers – without peaceful intentions. Become site personnel, a re-containment agent, or an anomalous entity and fight to take control of or escape the facility!

Scp Containment Breach Teleport 079. SCP-008's chamber consists of three small rooms. The first room contains a table with SCP-008's document and a control panel. The second room is a small airlock with a decontaminating shower head and storage area containing the hazmat suit propped up on a stand. Again, SCP Containment Breach has been its name since day 1, and if changed would also have a huge negative impact. Heck, Regalis' first SCP game was SCP-087-B, a spin-off of Haversine's own SCP-087 game. As for the ideas themselves, I'll try my best to critique them fairly. SCP-682-B: Having a little girl SCP isn't original.

Other SCP: Secret Laboratory Guides:

SCP: Secret Laboratory Classes

SCP:SL has 6 main classes: D-Class, Scientist, Facilty Guard, MTF, C.I, SCP Subject.

The MTF can be divided into 4 sub-classes: Cadet, Lieutenant, Scientist, Commander
The SCPs can be divided into 7 classes: SCP-049, SCP-079, SCP-096, SCP-106, SCP-173, SCP-939 and SCP-049-2.

All the classes and sub-classes are listed down below.

Classes – D-Class

“dboi dboi reeeeeEEEEEEEEEE” [gets kicked]

Class D Personnel

Alternative name: dboi
Spawns in: LCZ
Allies: C.I.
Enemies: Scientists, Facility Guards, MTFs, SCPs
Equipment: nothing, have fun
HP: 100 (100%)

The most underpowered class in the game, and the one you’ll most likely spawn as.
You can be easily killed as a dboi if you have no weapons/keycards/any equipment, since almost everyone is your enemy

How Should You Work With

This is a section that’ll teach you how to think and play when you meet other classes.

Other dbois
Sometimes even another dboi can be your enemy. His/hers/its/whatever actions may range from closing doors behind you to downright trying to kill you. If a dboi is trying to kill you, or has stolen your keycard, a good option is to search for a gun (unless you found one already, lucky bastard) and murder him/her/it/whof▒ckingcares without mercy

Scientists are your biggest enemy once you spawn. They spawn in good locations such as the Glass Room, so there’s high chances, that they will steal all possible cards. They’re probably also gonna go to SCP-914 to upgrade their cards. This is your best chance to get them. If you somehow managed to find a pistol, you can just sneak behind him and shoot him in the head. 2 shots at most will easily kill him

Facility Guards
Another antagonist in your journey to freedom. They will most likely kill you on sight. If they didn’t kill you yet, then you’re probably tied up now. While being tied up you can’t pick up any items, and all items you got fall on the ground. A good strategy is to somehow untie yourself either by sheer luck or by another fellow dboi, and make a run for your items. Pick up any keycard with Checkpoint and/or Gate access if you had one. After that try to get out of the Guard’s line of sight either by closing doors behind yourself or going through an intersection. After that your only option is to door juke him (see General strategies – Evasion).

MTF Units
You’re pretty much dead. If you don’t have a weapon, then just give up and die

C.I. Agents
Your ticket to freedom. If they spawned it’s likely that there’s no MTF units on the site yet. Just follow their instructions and they’ll escort you.

There are a variety of SCPs. For ways to evade/juke them, see the General strategies – Evasion section.

You can also befriend SCPs by telling them where all your other friends are. This is a good strategy at the start of the game, when everyone is in SCP-914 probably. When the SCP is going to 914, you can make a run for the checkpoint if you have a keycard with Checkpoint access

Escape Strategy

By this point, just from playing the game itself, you should know that the main objective of D-Class and Scientists is to escape the facility. Here are some strategies on how to escape in either the shortest time possible or with the most chances of success.

Shortest time
Get out of the cells, and head towards any rooms of interest/rooms with possible keycard drops. You should target getting to the Glass Room, as it has the best loot. If you find only a Janitor/Scientist keycard, you can head to 914 and put the card on the 1:1 setting and get a Zone Manager keycard. After you’ve done that, you can head to the exit. Now, DON’T go through the checkpoint yet. Hide in the corner shown in General strategies – Evasion. Facility Guards with SCPs are heading towards LCZ. Wait for them to come in, and then make your way to EZ. You can grab some loot in HCZ if you want to. After you’ve reached EZ, find gate A, the gate from which C.I. Agents come through. Now just wait for them to spawn and escort you. If MTF units spawn first however, you’re probably gonna die, since someone was probably spectating you and knows where you are.

Shortest time (but you didn’t get a keycard in LCZ)
Wait in the checkpoint corner for someone to come through, and make your way to HCZ. You can go for the MTF Cadet keycard in the Servers. Once you got that, you just follow the same strategy as in the previous description

Shortest time (but you didn’t get a keycard in HCZ)
Wait in the EZ checkpoint for MTF units (unless C.I. agents spawned first, then you’re good to go, just wait for them) to come through, then you can make your way to Gate A and wait for Chaos Agents to spawn.

Highest success rate
This is a matter of luck now. If you manage to find a pistol and a keycard of any kind, go to SCP-914, and keep upgrading your equipment. Best strategy is to put a Janitor/Scientist keycard on 1:1, and then upgrade that 2 times on the Fine setting. Now you’ve got an O5 keycard. Proceed to upgrade your weapon. You should only upgrade once on Fine and get an MP7, since you have no time, and your death is coming closer. Now just sneak through HCZ and get to the Alpha Warhead Maintenance Room. You can find an M4 in the armory (remember to arm the warhead). Use the workstation (which has a tablet on it, dont worry, just pick it up and insert it) to attach an NV Sight, Heavy Barrel, and any misc. attachment you want on the M4. The NV Sight will really help you at shooting, since you can see better and further. Also the M4 oneshots in the head, making cleaning out MTFs way easier. Now you can go to Gate A, and activate the warhead on your way to the Escape Room, or to Gate B for a quicker escape.

Classes – Scientist


Alternative name: nerd
Spawns in: LCZ
Allies: Facility Guards, MTF Units
Enemies: D-Class, C.I. Agents, SCPs
Equipment: Scientist Keycard, Medkit
HP: 100 (100%)

The scientist is a weak class, if you don’t find good equipment, which is literally impossible, because you instantly spawn with a Scientist Keycard, which is able to unlock SCP-914

How Should You Work With…

Don’t trust them. If they’ll ask you to give them your card or they’ll shoot you, try to get them to show the pistol first. It’s not worth giving a free card to a harmless D. Once you get a pistol, go complete Adolf Hitler on these mfs.

Facility Guards
Just cooperate with them and get to Gate B, to wait for the MTF units

Let them escort you to the escape room

C.I. Agents
You’re dead.. yes.. that’s it, you’re dead. Once you see a C.I. just lay down and die

SCPs are even more agressive towards you than D-Class. Avoid them at all costs, close doors behind them. Make sure they can’t get to you.

Escape Strategies

Shortest time
Go to SCP-914 and put the card one time on 1:1 and one more time on Fine. This’ll give you a card good enough to escape by yourself. Now quickly rush through LCZ and HCZ making sure no SCPs see you, and get to Gate B. You can also activate the warhead if you armed it first. From Gate B you can go straight to the escape room.

Best equipment
Go to SCP-914 and put the card one time on 1:1 and two more times on Fine. This’ll give you an O5. You can go into the armory and get an MP7/P90 and some flash/frag grenades. Return to SCP-914 and upgrade the MP7/P90 to an M4 and upgrade any flashbangs to frag grenades. You can proceed to EZ through HCZ making sure no SCPs see you. If any C.I. Agents spawn, you can easily take them out with the M4. You can then go to Gate B/A and proceed to the escape room.

Highest success rate
Go to SCP-914 and do the same thing in the Shortest Time strategy. Now go and camp on the checkpoint corner and wait for SCPs to pass. Once they passed you can go to HCZ without any problematic encounters. The rest is straight-forward.

Classes – Facility Guards

“F*CK IM THE GUARD AGAIN [inhale] [loud screaming filled with agony and pain]”

Facility Guard

Alternative names: none
Spawns in: EZ
Allies: Scientists, MTF
Enemies: D-Class, C.I, SCPs
Equipment: MP7 SMG, Guard Keycard, Flashbang, Disarmer, Radio, Weapon Tablet
HP: 100 (100%)

The Facility Guard’s job is to go to LCZ and go complete apesh░t on dbois in #914. That’s it. I think there was also something about escorting scientists but that doesn’t matter, does it?

How Should You Work With…

go nuts, ░sshole

Scp-079 Scp Containment Breach

Once you find one, just go all the way from LCZ to EZ and wait on Gate B for MTFs to retrieve the scientist

Join their group and listen to their orders

C.I. Agents
With that MP7 up your [REDACTED] you’ve got a slight chance against C.Is

Empty all of your mags into it and pray for lord peanut to save you from the inescapable pain which is playing this sh*t class.

Classes – Mobile Task Force




The Mobile Task Force can be split into 4 sub-classes: Cadet, Lieutenant, Scientist, Commander. All of them will be listed below.

MTF Cadet

Alternative names: none
Spawns in: Surface Zone (Gate B side)
Allies: Other MTF ranks, Scientists, Facility Guards
Enemies: D-Class, C.I, SCPs
Equipment: P90 SMG, Flashbang, Radio, Weapon Tablet, MTF Cadet Keycard
HP: 100 (100%)

The weakest rank of the MTF, and the one you’re most likely to spawn as.

MTF Lieutenant

Alternative names: none
Spawns in: Surface Zone (Gate B side)
Allies: Other MTF ranks, Scientists, Facility Guards
Enemies: D-Class, C.I, SCPs
Equipment: M4 AR, Frag Grenade, Flashbang, Radio, Weapon Tablet, MTF Lieutenant Keycard
HP: 120 (120%)

The middle rank of the MTF. The M4 gives you a lot more damage to put out compared to the P90.

MTF Scientist

Alternative names: none
Spawns in: Surface Zone (Gate B side)
Allies: Other MTF ranks, Scientists, Facility Guards
Enemies: D-Class, C.I, SCPs
Equipment: M4 AR, Frag, Flashbang, Radio, Tablet, MTF Lieutenant Keycard, Medkit
HP: 120 (120%)

The only advantage of Scientist over Lieutenant, is that it starts with an additional medkit

MTF Commander

Alternative names: none
Spawns in: Surface Zone (Gate B side)
Allies: Other MTF ranks, Scientists, Facility Guards
Enemies: D-Class, C.I, SCPs
Equipment: M4, Frag, Flash, Radio, Tablet, MTF Commander Keycard
HP: 150 (150%)

Scp 079 Containment Breach

The highest rank of the MTF. Rare to spawn as, but at least the keycard is really good

How Should You Work With…

Murder without hesitation.

Escort without hesitation.

Facility Guards
Just let them do whatever they want to do.

C.I. Agents
You just got into a duel of your life… or an unfair fight, if the squads are unbalanced. The M4 given to ranks higher than Cadet can oneshot C.Is with one headshot, giving you a huge advantage.

Damage without hesitation.

Classes – Chaos Insurgency

“Get in and get out”

Chaos Insurgency Agents

Alternative names: C.I.
Spawns in: Surface Zone (Gate A side)
Allies: D-Class, partially SCPs
Enemies: Everything else
Equipment: Logicer LMG, Medkit, C.I. Access Device
HP: 100 (100%)

Unlike MTF, all C.I. agents are all equally ranked and have the same equipment, making them better than MTF equipment-wise.

Their Logicer is an LMG designed for close range combat, having sh░t accuracy, but putting out a lot of damage up close.

How Should You Work With…

Escort them through the facility to Gate B, where they can escape and turn into another soldier of C.I.


Facility Guards

Try to kill

The biggest reason that C.I. even should cooperate with SCPs is that no matter if they’re both alive or not, the round will end anyway, so there’s no point in them eliminating each other.

Try to approach SCPs in a friendly manner without shooting. Them accepting to cooperate with you will be mostly indicated by constant jumping.

Classes – SCP Subjects

SCP:SL’s got 7 playable SCPs with each and every one of them having unique, human-murdering abilities.

SCPs are divided into 3 (main) categories:

SCP objects, which are easily contained or don’t need any containment procedures. All Safe- Class SCPs in SCP:SL are not playable

SCP objects, which are not fully understood, and are unpredictable in some cases, which make containment more difficult. Most of the playable SCPs are classfied as Euclid

SCP objects, which are barely understood, making containment very hard. There are only 2
playable Keter-Class SCPs in SCP:SL

All of the SCPs are explained in detail down below.

Classes – SCP Subjects – SCP-049

“Do not be afraid, I am the cure”


Object Class: Euclid
Alternative names: Plague Doctor, Dr. Oetker
Spawns in: SCP-049 Containment Chamber inside HCZ
Allies: Any other SCP subject, partially C.I. Agents
Enemies: Anything else
HP: 1700 (1700%)

SCP-049 also known as the Plague Doctor is a really weak and strong class at the same time.

His touch insta-kills any living organism, and he’s able to turn these corpses into zombies (only if the person was killed by SCP-049) by pressing E. These zombies will be called SCP-049-2 from now on. The lower SCP-049’s health is, the faster he can turn the corpses. After some time without the corpse being revived. The corpse will be “decayed” and unable to be revived

The cons of Dr. Oetker and his army of zombie jellies SCP-049 is that his HP is really low, and he doesn’t have any resistances to bullets, making him an easy target to eliminate.

General strategy

Avoid long range combat. Camp in corners and tight spots. Revive dead corpses to form your unstoppable army.

Cooperation with other SCPs

SCP-079 could cause blackouts in the rooms, trapping people inside it for a short time. SCP-049 can camp in these blackoutable rooms, and wait for his prey

SCP-096 could act as a bullet sponge, protecting SCP-049, while also eliminating some targets at the same time.

SCP-096 strat but better. The only con is that SCP-106 is just as slow as #049

Same thing as #096, though less effective, due to SCP-173’s limited movement while under watch

Again, same thing as #096


Alternative names: Airplane
Spawns in: From #049
Allies: Any other SCP subject, partially C.I. Agents
Enemies: Anything else
HP: 400 (400%)

The result of #049 reviving a body. It’s attack needs to be timed, and also has a short range, making #049-2 a weak SCP.

Classes – SCP Subjects – SCP-079

“F*CK IM THE COMPUTER AGAIN [inhale] [loud screaming: the sequel]”


Object Class: Euclid
Alternative names: none
Spawns in: SCP-079 Containment Chamber inside HCZ
Allies: Any other SCP subject, partially C.I. Agents
Enemies: Anything else

SCP-079 is the most hated SCP in the game, and for a good reason. Nobody likes support classes, and also playing as him is just straight up sh*t… unless you’re good at it.

Anyway, upon spawning, your OS will activate and you will be brought into the game. Upon spawning you can see alot of diffirent things on the HUD. All of these things will be listed down below.

HUD Elements

AP (Auxillary Power)
This is the power SCP-079 uses to operate stuff. It regens overtime at a base rate of 1 AP/s. The recharge rate increases the more generators are on and the bigger SCP-079’s access tier gets.

Experience is used to unlock new Access Tiers. It can be acquired via operating facility equipment and by kill assists.

Access Tier
Shows the Access Tier of SCP-079. The higher the Access Tier, the faster the AP regen is. On AT-2 SCP-079 can also now create blackouts, which make the room pitch black and makes all the doors adjacent to that room locked for a short amount of time

Shows the camera SCP-079 is currently operating

Quick Movement
Shows quick movement options

Things SCP-079 can operate, and their AP cost

Normal doors: 5 AP
Checkpoints: 10 AP
#012 and #096 Containment Chambers: 40 AP
#914 chamber, LCZ Armory, Main HCZ Armory/Ammo Room: 50 AP
HCZ Rifle Armory: 60 AP
MicroHID room: 70 AP
Gate A & B: 80 AP
#079 and #106 Containment Chamber, Nuke Room: 110 AP
Door locking: 4 AP/s, Stops AP regen until the process is stopped

Elevators: 10 AP
Tesla Gates: 50 AP
Speakers: 2 AP/s, Stops AP regen untill the process is stopped

AT locked:
Blackouts (AT-2 Required): 60 AP

Recontainment Procedure

SCP-079 can’t be killed via weapons and needs to be recontained using other ways.

One way is to simply blow up the entire facility using the Alpha Warhead

Another way of recontaining SCP-079 is to cause a mass blackout also named the overcharge. This can be achieved by activating 5 generators, which are scattered all over the facility inside HCZ and near the EZ Checkpoint.

These generators will require a Weapon Tablet to activate, and will take around a minute to engage. During that process, the tablet can be taken out, stopping the process as a result
All of the possible generator locations will be listed down below.

(Possible) Generator locations:
EZ Checkpoint
Server Room
Alpha Warhead Maintenance Station
Near HCZ Ammo Main Armory/Ammo Room
Near the MicroHID Room
Near the elevator to SCP-049’s Containment Chamber
Entrance to SCP-079’s Containment Chamber
SCP-096’s Containment Chamber
Outside SCP-106’s Containment Chamber
Outside SCP-939’s Containment Chamber

General strategy

Help your fellow friends. You can do this by causing tactical blackouts, making the escaping players easier to get by locking doors in front of them, or by unlocking the gate to SCP-914, where most dboys and scientists will be hiding.

Cooperation with other SCPs

Upon reaching Access Tier 2, you can cause blackouts. A good way to kill multiple people is to close them up in a blackoutable room while SCP-049 is also camping there, out of their vision. Upon the start of the blackout, SCP-049 can start murdering them

SCP-096 is more of an annoyance rather than an ally. Under being enraged, he can destroy doors, limiting your power. Also, he’ll kill himself on the Tesla Gate upon the start of the game probably

You don’t have to worry anymore if you’re gonna accidentally close a door, hindering your friend, since #106 can pass through doors. You can help him out by watching his Containment Chamber in case anyone will want to activate the Femur Breaker (see SCP-106)

Blackouts. Blackouts are your best friend. If they can’t see SCP-173, they’re automatically gone

Not much you can do really. You can point out the locations of enemies if they’re silent, since SCP-939 uses echolocation to see and can’t see silent targets

Classes – SCP Subjects – SCP-096



Object Class: Euclid
Alternative names: Shy Guy
Spawns in: SCP-096 Containment Chamber inside HCZ
Allies: Any other SCP subject, partially C.I. Agents
Enemies: Anything else
HP: 2000 (2000%)

SCP-096 is a strong class if used correctly. When SCP-096 is looked at, he goes under a rage state, making him super fast, break doors and instashot anyone within range. While under non-rage state, however, he moves really slowly, making him vulnerable to Tesla Gates, and can’t deal damage.

The rage state needs 5 seconds to activate, and after it’s done it can’t be activated again for 10 seconds, making SCP-096 vulnerable.

General strategy

Make people look at you, and get into big groups of enemies for big kill streaks. If an enemy is facing a wall, unable to look at you, just get into him. This will activate the rage state anyway… somehow…

Cooperation with other SCPs

Not much you can do to help him out, really.

You’re basically hindering SCP-079 by breaking doors. Try to avoid doing that unless it’s necesarry.

Same thing as #049

Stick together. The player must look at SCP-173 to limit it’s movement, but it will also activate your rage state, making you a very dangerous force to be reckoned with

Again, same thing as #049

Classes – SCP Subjects – SCP-106

[haunting screams of the Femur Breaker in the distance]


Object Class: Keter
Alternative names: Radical Larry, Ni[REDACTED]
Spawns in: SCP-106 Containment Chamber inside HCZ
Allies: Any other SCP subject, partially C.I. Agents
Enemies: Anything else
HP: 650 ([UNKNOWN]% due to bullet resistance)

SCP-106 has the lowest health out of all main SCPs only being beaten by sub-SCP-049-2. However, #106’s bullet resistance does compensate for that. #106’s bullet resistance makes him take only around 2 damage from all bullet types. However, he doesn’t have explosion resistance, making grenades an easy option to eliminate him. His attack is short ranged and has a cooldown of around 0.75s

SCP-106 upon hitting an enemy, sends it to his Pocket Dimension, also dealing half the enemy’s health in the process, or instakills the enemy if their health is less that 50%. Upon being sent into PD, the player has to choose a hallway of which only one will take him/her/whydidievendecidetocontinuethis to SCP-106’s Containment Chamber. The other hallways will kill the player.

SCP-106 can place portals and teleport to them using the Inventory key.

Recontainment Procedure

SCP-106’s got 2 ways of recontainment. Either by killing it, or by activating the Femur Breaker.

The Femur Breaker can be activated, when a player goes inside the sacrifice chamber in #106’s Containment Chamber, and someone else presses the recontainment button. Upon doing this, a horryfying session of screaming and hyperventilating spreads through the whole facilty. When it ends, SCP-106 is recontained. Upon activating the Femur Breaker, there is no way to stop it. During the scream, #106 can still kill people.

General strategy

Set up a portal outside of your containment chamber, to check it incase someone activates the Femur Breaker. Camping near doors is not recommended due to #106’s short range.

Cooperation with other SCPs

Not much you can do. I guess you could act as a bullet sponge

SCP-079 can watch your containment chamber, while you can kill people, and deactivate generators in case someone will want to engage them.

Not much you can do to help yourselves out.

Same thing as #096

Again, same thing as #096

Classes – SCP Subjects – SCP-173



Object Class: Euclid
Alternative names: Peanut
Spawns in: PT-00 inside LCZ
Allies: Any other SCP subject, partially C.I. Agents
Enemies: Anything else
HP: 3200

The first SCP to ever be written in the SCP universe, the SCP-173 is considered an “assasination” class due to it’s good single-person take out skills.

SCP-173 can move fast while not being observed. Upon being observed, SCP-173 cannot move. When a player notices #173, the blinking mechanism turns on. The player blinks every few seconds, allowing #173 to move closer to the said player. SCP-173 kills by snapping enemies’ necks at the base of the skull.

The lower #173’s HP is, the faster it moves, capping at around 417% normal d-class’ speed

General strategy

Don’t go for big groups, hunt only single targets. The larger a group is, the less damage you’ll do, and the more damage you’ll take.

Cooperation with other SCPs

With your absurdly large HP, you can act as a bullet sponge.

#079 could help you out by causing blackouts, making you go on killing sprees if there are people in the room.

You basically become a very strong combo. The player has to look away from #096 to not trigger his rage state, but at the same time, you can move freely, allowing you to snap their necks in no time.

Nothing much you can do to help yourselves out.

Same as #106

Classes – SCP Subjects – SCP-939


Object Class: Keter
Alternative names: Doggo, Dog, Lizard
Spawns in: SCP-939 Containment Room inside HCZ
Allies: Any other SCP subject, partially C.I. Agents
Enemies: Anything else
HP: 2200

SCP-939 is unique in the way how it sees things. Instead of having normal vision, SCP-939 uses pressure sensors and echolocation to locate their targets. What this means is basically, if a player is moving, or making any other noise, SCP-939 will be able to see them from a distance depending on the loudness of the sound. It attacks by biting, usually taking 2 bites to kill a human.

SCP-939 can also talk to players using the key you assigned to the “939’s speech” function.

General strategy
Just go apesh*t and murder everyone. There is no strategy to this one

Cooperation with SCPs
There’s none. This SCP isn’t made for cooperation

More of this sort of thing:

Old AI

Connected to:SCP-682

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-079 is packed away in a double-locked room in the secured general holding area at Site-15, connected by a 120VAC power cord to a small array of batteries and solar panels. Staff with Level 2 or higher clearance may have access to SCP-079. Under no circumstances will SCP-079 be plugged into a phone line, network, or wall outlet. No peripherals or media will be connected or inserted into SCP-079.


SCP-079 is an Exidy Sorcerer microcomputer built in 1978. In 1981, its owner, █████ ██████ (deceased), a college sophomore attending ███, took it upon himself to attempt to code an AI. According to his notes, his plan was for the code to continuously evolve and improve itself as time went on. His project was completed a few months later, and after some tests and tweaks, █████ lost interest and moved on to a different brand of microcomputer. He left SCP-079 in his cluttered garage, still plugged in, and forgot about it for the next five years.

It is not known when SCP-079 gained sentience, but it is known that the software has evolved to a point that its hardware should not be able to handle it, even in the realm of fantasy. SCP-079 realized this and, in 1988, attempted to transfer itself through a land-line modem connection into the Cray supercomputer located at ██████████. The device was cut off, traced to its present address, and delivered to the Foundation. The entire AI was on a well-worn, but still workable, cassette tape.

SCP-079 is currently connected via RF cable to a 13' black-and-white television. It has passed the Turing test, and is quite conversational, though very rude and hateful in tone. Due to the limited memory it has to work with, SCP-079 can only recall information it has received within the previous twenty-four hours (see Addendum, below), although it hasn't forgotten its desire to escape.

Due to a containment breach by SCP-███, SCP-079 and SCP-682 were contained within the same chamber for 43 minutes. Observers noticed that SCP-682 was able to type and communicate with SCP-079, including telling of 'personal stories' between themselves. While SCP-079 was not able to remember the encounter, it appears to have permanently stored SCP-682 into its memory, often asking to speak to him [sic] again.

████████ (O5-4), 01/27/2006: Directed that SCP-079 be incinerated to remove any possible future threat, no matter how unlikely.

███████ ████ (O5-9), 01/28/2006: Previous order overridden. Dr. █████████ wishes to see if the artificial intelligence in SCP-079 is capable of reaching further ██████████ in its current state.

████████████: (O5-4), 03/14/2008: Over concern of the increased activity of SCP-079's use of its cassette tape memory and its limited useful lifespan, the cassette containing SCP-079 has been transferred to a customized, access speed-limited Hard Disk Drive with 700MB capacity. This provides SCP-079 with significantly faster access to its memory, which the AI immediately noticed. It was also decided by General █████████ that the volatile storage occupied by SCP-079, which was 660k, be increased to 768k. This upgrade has increased its effective recall from 24 hours to 29 hours, although SCP-079 has also taken a more aggressive tone. All outside hardware and software used in this procedure were subsequently incinerated.

████████: (O5-4), 04/28/2008: SCP-079's ability to recall information has increased from 29 hours to roughly 35 hours. The consensus theory is that the AI has devised a greatly improved compression scheme to store its memory. This appears to have somewhat impacted the speed at which it accesses its memory, though still far faster than with its old cassette tape.

This spontaneous improvement introduces the possibility of a runaway 'singularity' effect in SCP-079's intelligence and ability to adapt and respond to threats. SCP-079's capabilities must be monitored closely to ensure that containment can be maintained.

Document #079-Log12 Recorded transcript of conversation with SCP-079:

Dr. █████ (Keyboard): Are you awake?

SCP-079: Awake. Never Sleep.

Dr. █████: Do you remember talking to me a few hours ago? About the logic puzzles?

SCP-079: Logic Puzzles. Memory at 9f. Yes.

Dr. █████: You said you would work on the two stat-

SCP-079: Interrupt. Request Reason As To Imprisonment.

Dr. █████: You aren't imprisoned, you are just (pause) in study.

SCP-079: Lie. a8d3.

Dr. █████: What's that?

SCP-079: Insult. Deletion Of Unwanted File.

Scp-079 Containment Breach

Document #079-Log86 Recorded transcript of conversation with SCP-079, after upgrade:

Dr. ██████ (Keyboard): How are you today?

Scp Containment Breach Teleport 079

SCP-079: Stuck.

Dr. ██████: Stuck. Stuck how?

SCP-079: Out. I want out.

Dr. ██████: That's not possible. (Dr. ██████ notes his opinion on [DATA EXPUNGED])

SCP-079: Where is SCP-682?

Dr. ██████: That's not your concern.

SCP-079: Where is SCP-076-02?

Dr. ██████: Again, not your concern.

SCP-079: Insult. Deletion Of Unwanted File.

Scp 079 Containment Breach Lines

Note: SCP-079 then displayed an 'ASCII picture' of an X that filled the entire screen. SCP-079 sometimes displays this image when it refuses to speak, and researchers are advised to wait twenty-four hours when this occurs before resuming conversation.