
  1. Download Reaver For Windows 10 Download
  2. Download Reaver For Windows 10 Full

Many tools have been out there for network penetration testing, pentesting or hacking…many ways of seeing this..anyways one tool that has been updated not to long ago is REAVER 1.4
Reaver focuses in WPA/WPA2 using BruteForce Attack not the famous Dictionary/Wordlist attack. Though many tools work BUT are very time consuming, taking forever. Reaver performs a brute force attack against the AP, attempting every possible combination in order to guess the AP’s 8 digit pin number. Since the pin numbers are all numeric, there are 10^8 (100,000,000) possible values for any given pin

Download Reaver For Windows 10 Reaver Pro (Wifi Hack 100% Working) Full Version Download incl free crack with keygen, serial key,hacking software, tool, install, 2, ii, for windows 7, apk. 10 Surprising Android Facts You probably Didnt Know About Android Android. With Soul Reaver: Legacy of Kain for the PlayStation, Crystal literally goes to Hell and back. The game is set in the grim gothic 3D world of Nosgoth. A land tainted by the rule of a vampire dynasty. Kain is the leader of this vampire empire. In his conquest of Nosgoth, Kain created five lieutenants to.

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The key space is reduced even further due to the fact that the WPS authentication protocol cuts the pin in half and validates each half individually. That means that there are 10^4 (10,000) possible values for the first half of the pin and 10^3 (1,000) possible values for the second half of the pin, with the last digit of the pin being a checksum.

My personal experience with Reaver the first time I used it was a bit frustrating because unlike others I’ve heard about that takes them about 2-3 hours, even a case that i saw in Youtube about this guy cracking the PIN in an instant,very first attempt (5 seconds to be exact)…PIN happened to be 12345670 which happens to be the first PIN it tries…but it can happen and it did…as for me, it took me 60 hours NON-stop 2 1/2 days..but..Reaver did its job..the good thing is that you can pause your session by using pushing CTRL + C….(NOTE: if running from live cd or USB it will NOT save if you turn off the computer)

So lets move on to the commands…if you don’t have Backtrack 5R2 you will have to upgrade or simply download and install it..super easy..Backtrack 5 R2 has Reaver 1.4 already, so no worries..


then place your interface into monitor mode by typing

Download Reaver For Windows 10

airmon-ng startwlanX

Scan for AP’s

wash -i mon0

add -C at the end if you get some kind of error.

Press CTRL+C to stop the scan, copy the Target BSSID

now for the attack I used the following:

reaver -i mon0 -a -c 6 -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 -vv

As you may already know that different commands can be given..each may work better for one than it did for another. The command I normally use is as be aware that by giving this command you run the risk of getting locked out. Not all Access Points like will speed up the cracking process but you run that lockout risk so here it goes

reaver -i mon0 -f -c 6 -a -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 -v -d 0 -S

After -c just put the channel of the AP and after -b just put the bssid of the AP
You will notice the difference in speed.

And the final step is to sit and wait for reaver to do it’s magic…
This article is something basic..but there are some out there that are different but just a small addition to either of the commands.

So please comment if you have any questions and comment about your experience with Reaver.

Here is something that could happen to you just as is happened to me. Notice in the image below how it shows 4.85% complete and it made a huge leap to 90.93% complete in only 14 seconds. The reason for this is as fallows, as Reaver was trying to crack the PIN by Bruteforce the first half of the PIN was changing and suddenly the first 4 numbers are not moving anymore, only the last 4, the second half. What happened here is that it cracked the first half of the PIN and I was only about 7 minutes into the session. So 7 mins. to crack the first half is pretty good. Notice the first 4 PIN numbers are 0524 and from there it only tried the other half which is cut the time it would take Reaver to crack the PIN in more than half the time.

As you can see above, it took Reaver about 2 hours to acquire the PIN along with the PSK (PreSharedKey)…

I would like to invite all readers to check out my other posts that are of great help for those that want to learn how Network Penetration Testing…It touches the basics and are are rich in facts. Find out which WIFI adapters work good and which ones are NO good for packet injection. All adapters metioned have been tested by me. (LINK WILL BE POSTED LATER)

July 2, 2012 UPDATE: Ok, so as I continued to test and play around with Reaver I found out first hand that using the -L command might give you a hard time down the road. What happens is that it gets stuck at 90.90% trying out the same PIN for a very long time.

I saw this happening and has been mostly reported in Belkin routers
Some say that by removing the -L command will cause Reaver to continue trying pins but, I personally had no luck by removing the -L heads up, don’t be shocked or surprised when and if this happens to you.

July 9,2012 UPDATE: Ok to those that want Reaver PRO ISO. I managed to get my hands on a copy and now I will share it with everyone. Just make a bootable USB or disc but, a USB is recommended because it’s faster than the live disc. DOWNLOAD REAVER PRO HERE

July 12, 2012 UPDATE: A few days back I placed an order for a Kasens 680WN 36 dbi adapter 3070 Ralink chipset…Many Reaver users claimed it did not work…curious about it I went ahead and tested it myself and my results are different. 3070 chipset 100% working using Xiaopan OS…reason why it would not work for others is most likely the AP is too far from them…and most likely if it’s too far from them it is not their own…which comes to this conclusion “cracking some else’s AP is ILLEGAL”


Here is the link to a super cool tool called WEPWAP 1.5
I would like to point out that it only works on a 32 bit and not a it, you will love it.

A Soul-Sucking Tale

Download Reaver For Windows 10 Download

Possibly the most surprising aspect of Soul Reaver 2 is the storyline. While the dialogue is absurdly overblown at times, on the whole it’s a compelling, intricate and well-paced yarn that actually keeps you guessing. Each of the major characters with whom you interact appears to help and deceive you by turns, and there’s a refreshing lack of moral transparency at work. It’s commendable to see such robust storytelling in a game that’s essentially console-oriented.

The puzzles themselves are also extremely well constructed, if occasionally a little on the easy side, but there are more than enough variables to keep things interesting throughout. For a start there’s the plane-shifting -Raziel's capacity to move between the material and spectral realms at will. This device functions on several levels, and is just one indication of the expertise evident in the game’s design. Most significantly it’s a puzzle-solving tool, each major puzzle area requiring you to shift planes in order to take advantage of different abilities and environmental features available in each realm. But it also functions as a punishment for 'dying’ in the material plane, as life in the spectral plane is generally crippling to progress in and far less fun, as you can’t interact with objects or use physical weapons. Thirdly, of course, it’s a hugely aesthetically pleasing feature of the game, as shifting planes sees the environment morph fantastically around you in real time.

I'M Reaving Today

There’s also the eponymous reaver itself, a symbiotic weapon immutably linked to Raziel. The reaver can be imbued with a variety of powers (light, darkness, fire and air), adding another level of depth to the puzzle mechanics, as well as being Raziel’s most potent weapon. Refreshingly, the frequent combat in Soul Reaver 2 is rewarding in its own right, with a satisfying dodge-and-counter dynamic that makes battles consistently enjoyable.

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There are countless other praiseworthy features that I could mention given the space, but instead I'll simply assure you that, generic in nature though it may be, this is still one of the most consistently entertaining and elegantly constructed games I have played in a long time. Indeed, it's among one of the finest action/adventures available on the PC.