NOTICE about Skoda Felicia Owners Manual 1996 PDF download Sometimes due server overload owners manual could not be loaded. Try to refresh or download newest Adobe Flash plugin for desktop or Flash Player for Android devices. Fabricante: Skoda Modelo: Felicia/Van/Pick-up 1,3 (c) Autodata Limited 2009 Cdigo de motor: 135 Potencia: 42 (57) 5000 Valid forever. Reglado para: Cat. No regulado Ao: 1994-01 V8.500- Nota Autodata 17.

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skoda pierburg 2e3 manual.pdf

Pierburg 2e3 principle of operation manual (fitted on Felicia and Favorit).

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ŠkodaFelicia 1994 - 1997

  • Škoda Favorit
  • Škoda Felicia
  • Škoda Forman

3.8 MB13 pages

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1.27a Chok pull dowe operation n A Stage pull down 1 77 Diaphragm rod B Stage 2 pull down 78 Pull down adjustment sm 7 Throttle plate primary aV venturi 82 Connection to thermal t im 12 Choke flap valve TTV 64 Choke lever 84 Control valve 65 Choke connecting rod 85 Thermal time valve TTV 74 Pull down assembly a Stage pull down 1 gap 76 Diaphragm a1 Stage 2 pull down gap 1.27b Vacuu connectiom ton thermal time valve TTV A Fuel inlet hose C Hose to vacuum source B Hose to TTV D TTV The TTV is partially ope to atmosphern at caen be used to vary the fast idl speede Thi. s 34 The vacuum dampe thr governe rate s uold star timet . Whe thne engine fires the , screw is fitted with a tamperproof cap th.e As throttl closine to reducg e emissions Tl , L/acuum applie tod the pull down diaphragbi metal coim isl heated an thd e flap opens the , dampe irs operate bdy solenoid an ah d is s low an idt will only partially operat to pull escrew wil resl ot n successively less stepped controlled by ECU the , down gap a se e illustrations . parts of th came Th. idle e spee is thud s progressively reduced unti ultimatell , thy e cam Throttle damper 28 Afte 3r to 5 seconds the electrically, is released and the idle speed returns to normal. neated TT wilV closl the connectioe to n 35 A throttl dampee i fittes r tod sor atmospher ane fuld manifoll id vacuus m models an, thid s slows dow th ratene De chok wide opee kick n applied to the pulf down diaphragm. The pull throttl closine tgo reduce exhaust emissions down now full operatey to opes thn e choke 32 If th throttle ies opene fulld whey thn e engin ie s cold th, pull dowe n vacuu will m Nap to gap ai The tw puH dowo n stages deplete an thd e choke fla wilp tenl td o close. 2 Identification ensure maximum richnes for the fes w seconds after a cold star ant d the an rapid openin of g This may cause flooding an to prevend t this a , wide open kick mechan

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